EmSculpt® FAQs

Simultaneous Muscle Building And Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

EMSCULPT® contracts muscles beyond what is possible through physical training, yielding better muscle tone and enhanced fat metabolism. It also melts excess fatty tissue through the application of RF (radio frequency) energy. These results are backed by clinical studies, showing fat loss as well as defined and sculpted muscles following a series of treatments.

EMSCULPT® uses focused electromagnetic energy to trigger supra-maximal contractions in the muscles, which are impossible to be achieved through voluntary exercise.

Your muscles will contract around 20,000 times in 30 minutes, leading to building of new muscle mass (muscle growth, increased strength and muscle definition) as well as enhanced abdominal fat metabolism through destruction of fat cells (lipolysis).

You will lie down and rest comfortably during the treatment. At first you will feel gentler muscle contractions, which will gradually increase in intensity throughout your session. You’ll feel your muscles tightening, and you might feel some tingling, but no pain. Your practitioner can adjust the intensity throughout the session.  EMSCULPT® cycles through different types of contractions, including one that involves more of a tapping that eliminates lactic acid from the muscles, so there is none of the muscle soreness that typically occurs with intense workouts.

Treatments are broken up into 30-minute sessions, with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2 to 5 days apart. The number of treatments needed over time will depend on the custom plan we develop during your free consultation.

One of the major benefits of EMSCULPT® is its noninvasive nature. You won’t need any preparation before the treatment, and you’ll be able to resume your normal activities immediately after.

You will feel results right away and start to see them after 2 to 4 weeks, with improvement continuing for several weeks following your treatment. For most people it takes 6 weeks for the muscle buildup and 3 months for the fat remodeling. Some patients compare the final results to the benefits of eating healthy and working out for 6 months.

Fat cells destroyed by increased fat metabolism with EMSCULPT® is permanent.  Weight gain though could cause remaining fat cells to grow, leading to possible loss of effect, so weight maintenance is necessary.

Muscle mass gains likely lasts 6 months or longer.  It is advisable though to get periodic EMSCULPT® treatments to maintain the muscle tone achieved from an initial series of EMSCULPT® treatments. Also working out could augment and prolong results.


  1. Metal or electronic implants in the treatment area
  2. Copper intrauterine device
  3. Cardiac pacemakers
  4. Implanted defibrillators
  5. Implanted neurostimulators
  6. Drug pumps
  7. Malignant tumor
  8. Hemorrhagic conditions
  9. Epilepsy
  10. Recent surgical procedures
  11. Pregnancy or nursing


  1. Please wait at least an hour after eating prior to treatment
  2. Please remove any metal jewelry prior to treatment


  1. Drink plenty of water after treatments
  2. Maintain healthy lifestyle, consuming lean meats, vegetables and fruits
  3. Refrain from saunas for 72 hrs after treatment